Mini Soccer
- Age category : 10 years
- Age category : 12 years
Registration: Rp. 400,000
Half Competition Match System
Participant Requirements:
- Category for Elementary School Participants, 10 years old, maximum grade 4 born in 2009.
- Category of elementary school participants is 12 years old, maximum grade 6 was born in 2007.
Game Rules:
- Futsal matches will be held if there are at least 8 participating teams.
- Game rules are adjusted to the official PSSI rules.
- Obliged to submit requirements in the form of photo and certificate from the school.
- One team consists of 10 players and 2 Official.
- players competing including the goal keeper.
- Tournaments use the Half Competition system and knock out in the next phase.
- The match time is 2×15 minutes.
- Each team must wear a jersey with a different number of backs and the same type except the goalkeeper.
- Using long socks of the same color in one team, the goal keeper can be the same / different.